Friday, August 7, 2009

Another Baby Update

I had my weekly ultrasound and the third non-stress test of the week and everything looks good. The baby is healthy and strong. His gestation age is 37 weeks and 4 days, which is not much of a change from 2 weeks ago when he was measured and his estimated weight is 7 lbs 3 oz. The nurses teased with all the extra fluid in there, he is swimming and burning calories and who knows he may grow up to be the next Michael Phelps with all this practice he is getting now.

So the plan now is next week: a non-stress test on Tuesday and Friday and a doctors appointment on Friday, when I am 38 weeks and see how he is doing and if they will induce or not. I have been feeling pretty good these past couple days. The weather has really cooled down and I am not as hot and swollen, which helps.


The Windy City Duo said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. The heat, I am sure, makes all the difference in the world. I can't believe your little guy will be here so soon... how exciting.

adrianne said...

good luck! hope things go well and we'll be able to meet this guy while we're in town.