Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here’s Andrew!

Here are some of a few of our favorite pictures of our new addition.

Wright, Andrew 004 Wright, Andrew 005

I went into the hospital Wednesday night to be induced. I was given cirvidel for 24 hours and then started pitocin in the morning.  I went into the hospital at a 2 and after 9 hours of pitcoin, I was still at a 2 and he had not dropped yet. I then started running a fever and having stabbing upper abdominal pain and Andrew was not handling things well according to the monitor, so my doctor came into discuss our options.  She did not like how things were going and said we can either do a c-section and get him out or we can try to move things along faster, but if he is not doing well we will have to do an emergency c-section.   We decided to do a c-section now.  It was a hard decision for me since it felt like I was wimping out, but it sounded like either way we would end up with a c-section.  It turns out when they pulled him out, the cord was up by the top of his head and if they would have broken my water, the cord would have been compressed between his head and the birth canal and he would have been in so much distress they would have to do an emergency c-section.  The doctor was glad we did a regular c-section instead of an emergency c-section. 

Wright, Andrew 007 Wright, Andrew 011

They took Andrew downstairs to the Birth Center and while I was in recovery, Aaron went down there with him.  He is such a proud daddy.  Andrew’s glucose was a little low so Aaron got to feed him a bottle of sugar water and spend some time with him. 

Andrew did not do well during the night and was so lethargic.  He would not eat from a bottle or nurse from me, so the pediatrician told them to put in a NG tube and feed him, but they decided to do an IV instead.  It wasn't til morning when the pediatrician came in and she was able to start an IV, he probably had close to 10 pokes all over trying to start one and he didn't cry for any of them and that concerned them.  They also put in a NG tube, did blood work and started IV antibiotics.  Really the first time I was able to spend anytime with him is when I saw him in the nursery.  He was in an incubator to keep him warm and hooked up to monitors and had an IV and NG tube and lots of pokes.  That was one of the hardest things for me, even being a nurse and caring for sick babies, but it is different when it is your own.  I was able to spend some time in the nursery holding him.  They still don't know why he was so lethargic, if it was from the fever I had or since I was group B Strep positive or such high amniotic fluid and he took a big gulp before being born.  But throughout the day he started doing better and on Saturday they were able to start disconnecting monitors and the IV and said.  His preliminary blood cultures came back negative so far, so we were able to come home today.  It feels so good to be home.

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We even had some visitors.

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Our friend Tjay                               The Mclains

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   Grandma Mertes                            Grandpa Mertes


        Aunt Emily

Here are some of the photos from Andrew’s “photo shoot” for the hospital website:

Andrew Wright 005 Andrew Wright 008 Andrew Wright 018 Andrew Wright 019 Andrew Wright 021 Andrew Wright 029 Andrew Wright 030

He was pretty serious for most of the pictures, but some of the faces were pretty cute.  He is good at the one eyed look.  He will do that when he wakes up to see if it worth waking up for.  I like the last one, it is like he is done and is outta here. 

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's a Beautiful Baby Boy!

Andrew James Wright was born last night at nine o'clock! He is super cute at 8.5 lbs and 21 inches. More details to follow.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today is the day!

I had my doctor's appointment and she did not like the symptoms I was having and how much swelling there was. My blood pressure was also elevated and protien in my urine, so I am being induced at 5:00pm today. I will be over at Gritman in Moscow since Pullman is full. I have never been to Gritman Birthcenter so this will be an adventure. So stay tuned...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's too comfy in here...

That is what I think the baby is saying. I had an appointment on Friday for my 38 week check. The plan was to induce at 38 weeks, so I went to the appointment all packed and ready to go. Of course everything looked good, my blood pressure was down and there was hardly any protein in my urine. She sent me up to the hospital for a non-stress test and blood work and said the results of that would be the determining factor. Of course everything was normal and looked good, so she sent me home. I am still having contractions and dilated to a 2, so she is hoping I go naturally. I have 2 non-stress tests set up for this week and a doctor's appointment, so we will see what happens. So now we wait...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Another Baby Update

I had my weekly ultrasound and the third non-stress test of the week and everything looks good. The baby is healthy and strong. His gestation age is 37 weeks and 4 days, which is not much of a change from 2 weeks ago when he was measured and his estimated weight is 7 lbs 3 oz. The nurses teased with all the extra fluid in there, he is swimming and burning calories and who knows he may grow up to be the next Michael Phelps with all this practice he is getting now.

So the plan now is next week: a non-stress test on Tuesday and Friday and a doctors appointment on Friday, when I am 38 weeks and see how he is doing and if they will induce or not. I have been feeling pretty good these past couple days. The weather has really cooled down and I am not as hot and swollen, which helps.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby Update....

This week I have had a horrible headache everyday so far. On Monday, I just did not feel good so I went and had my blood pressure checked and it was 140/90, so the doctor said, "back to the hospital you go for more tests." So I had a non-stress tests, lab work to check my platelet count, liver function and kidney function and another 24 hour urine and then another non-stress test the next day. I am defiantly tired of going to hospital everyday. Everything is elevated, but nothing on the scary side. Part of me says lets just get this over with and induce me, but then I have to be realistic and remember the longer he is in there the better.

I had my weekly appointment with my doctor today and she said he is getting bigger, I am accumulating more fluid and my body is starting to get stressed. She stressed the importance of taking it easy and the longer he is in there the better. I am having contractions all the time and am still dilated to a one, so we are going to see if I can go naturally and if not she will induce me next week when I am 38 weeks. Since he is so big and I am so miserable, she doesn't want me to go past 38 weeks, but everyone agrees (and the pediatricians like it better) to not induce before 38 weeks. So that is the plan.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

No Baby Yet....

So after a week of 3 non-stress tests, 1 ultrasound, 1 biopysical ultrasound and 2 doctors appointments, all is well.

On Friday, I had a doctors appointment and my doctor was concerned with how much protein I had in my urine and the fact the baby has slowed down, so she decided to admit me for 24 hours to see how things go. She ordered another 24 hour urine and blood work and monitoring of baby. She said depending on how everything looked and if it looked worse, she would induce us Saturday afternoon. So I called Aaron and gave him the update and called my friend who was throwing me a baby shower the next day to reschedule.

After a few hours, my blood work looked good and the baby looked good and my blood pressures looked good. The doctor then gave us the option to stay or go home and take it easy. We opted to go home and come back the next day to turn in my 24 hour urine and do another non-stress test.

The non-stress test today showed the baby active and doing well. My blood pressures were up and down and my 24 hour urine test showed more protein, but not an alarming number where we would induce. So she sent us home with orders of more bed rest and 2 more non-stress tests this week and possibly another ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid level and an appointment with her on Wednesday. The doctor is worried how fast this can all happen and said this may buy us 3 or 4 days and then induce or do another 24 hour urine and blood work next weekend and may have to induce then. Everything is still up in the air. Part of me just wants to be done, but I know the longer he is in there the better off he will be. So we will keep everyone updated.