Saturday, September 17, 2011

Andrew and Dad’s Phone

Aaron forgot his phone the other day when he went to work.  Andrew grabbed it off his desk in the office and ran over and sat on his play kitchen container.  He has learned to turn on the phone, unlock it, push the apps button and push the paint game.  He is one smart boy, almost too smart at times.  You only have to show him how to do something once and he will remember from then on out.  He is very mechanically minded and can figure out most things on his own without any help.  He is always full of surprises. I look at him in awe and ask him how he got so smart.  One of my friends the other day, after watching Andrew play, said to me, well when you have 2 very smart parents I am not surprised how smart he is.  I took that as a great compliment.  Well now that I have bragged about my child, you can see the picture of him and Aaron’s phone.


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