Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baking Cookies

Andrew helped me make cookies the other day.  When I put my apron on he wanted one too.  I remembered my mom gave me mine from when I was little and it is just his size.  He wore it all around the house and thought it was pretty cool.  I am not sure what he was making with chocolate chips, plastic forks and spoons and corn cob holders.  Must have been his own recipe.


When the cookies were cooled I asked if he wanted a cookie, he said “no.”  He then went to the fridge and said “pickle.”  He wanted a pickle instead.  He definitely is not my son if he wants a pickle over a warm baked cookie.  He loves pickles!

1 comment:

Alissa Allen said...

He is so ADORABLE!!! I can't get enough of him:)