Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sewing Fun

We had a girls craft day with my family on Saturday and I still had my sewing machine out on the kitchen table.  It was unplugged and ready to go upstairs as well as a pile of things that needed to go upstairs.  I looked over and Andrew had taken the cover off and plugged the cords into the sewing machine.  He then grabbed a bib off the table and was ready to sew.  He lifted the pressure foot and put the bib where he wanted and then lowered the pressure foot.  He then said “hmm, it doesn’t work.”  He looked around and then I heard him say “oh!  It needs to be plugged in.”  He then proceeded to plug it in the outlet and started sewing the bib.  There wasn’t any thread in the machine, but it was fun to watch him start sewing then push the back stitch button and then sew to the edge, release it and then sew to the other end of the bib.  He is such a mechanically minded boy.  There are so many people that see him and say we have a future engineer on our hands.  Aaron couldn’t be prouder.




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